GEN LESS? Hell yeah!

Time for change?

It’s becoming increasingly clear that climate change is now set to affect our communities, businesses and way of life. The above graphic shows the changes in NZ’s average annual temperatures since 1901 (see #ShowYourStripes).

As an organisation, we believe that putting the pursuit of profit above the adverse affects of conducting our business is no longer acceptable. It’s an unfortunate fact that many companies overlook the social harm of their businesses because ‘doing the right thing’ means less profit in the short term.

While we’ve always held sustainable values, we acknowledge that there’s more we can do minimise the scale of potential damage from our behaviour. But what can one small business actually hope to change?

We recognise that the decisions we make every day send a message to those we deal with. When we’re buying goods or services, we’ll choose to support those who have real sustainable values, not just PR lip service like a wind turbine on a petrol station or a high-talking, low walking CSR policy.

We know that this means accepting some inconvenience and higher prices in the short term. But the more of us that make this choice, the faster we’ll transition to affordable sustainability being the new norm and secure a better future for our children.

We’ve joined GEN LESS to show our commitment to positive change.